
Opportunity China’s ambassador scheme is an innovative educational community to help you as a teacher at first with resources and educational advice, and then go on to develop your craft and add to your CV by helping to train other teachers within the community once you gain experience.

You will be paired up initially when taking up your teaching position in China with an experienced teacher, often in the area near to where you will be teaching. You will also be given contact details to our education department, and so this gives you a helping hand and handy resource base when you first start teaching in China to ask any classroom questions you have, or seek out lesson plans and ideas for lessons. Your ambassador contact in China might even be able to show you around the city, go out for a meal, and provide a warm welcome when you get to China, helping you to settle.

After about six months, your ambassador can provide you with some feedback on your lesson plans and provide a listening ear to challenges and successes you will have gone through teaching in China! You can then start to continue your professional development and add different coaching and professional skills to your CV by working with us to become an opportunity China ambassador yourself and helping to provide advice and guidance on international education in the Chinese classroom to other new teachers that start out in China.

Read more about how Ambassador Scheme will help you to improve your teaching in our featured blog post.