Published on:
July 19, 2021

by: Elyssa

5 Great Games to use as an English Teacher in China

One of the hardest things about teaching kids isn’t the teaching itself, but trying to teach in a way that’s engaging and sure to keep students’ attention from wandering. Which is why, regardless of which age group you teach, games can be an incredibly useful learning tool. Having such young students meant I personally experienced […]

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Published on:
July 5, 2021

by: Elyssa

My 5 favourite things about teaching English in China

If a couple of years ago someone had told me I’d move to the other side of the world by myself to teach English with no teaching experience, and not only do it, but enjoy it, I would probably have laughed and told them they had the wrong person. However, it’s one of the best [...]

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Published on:
April 12, 2021

by: Elyssa

Published on:
March 29, 2021

by: Elyssa

A Typical Week Teaching in China

If variety is the spice of life, then routine can be a sweet sprinkle of sugar in the face of such a massive change like moving to the other side of the world. I moved to Dongguan by myself in August 2018; Dongguan is in the Guangdong province in the south of China, just above […]

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Published on:
February 24, 2020

by: Guest

Teacher Guest Post: My Coronavirus Experience

Empty streets, closed malls, monitored apartment complexes, wary locals. These are just a few phrases I could use to describe the usually bustling city of Fuzhou in recent weeks…   Receiving News while on Holiday   As mentioned in my previous blog post, I was in the Philippines when official news of the novel coronavirus outbreak […]

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Published on:
July 23, 2018

by: Guest

How To Plan Lessons When You’re New To Teaching ESL in China

This week, our guest blogger Zoe reflects on her top lesson planning tips for teachers new to ESL teaching... When you enter your first classroom in China, the reality of what you have to contend with on a daily basis can come as quite a shock. I teach in a public primary school, meaning that [...]

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Published on:
June 5, 2018

by: Guest

Teacher Guest Post: Help! I don’t speak Chinese!

This week Opportunity China's Shenzhen Blogger, Zoe Brent, discusses the challenges that come with living and working in a country with such a diverse and challenging language(s). Zoe shares her top tips on how maximise your language learning capacity whilst in China.  I will put you under no illusion - Mandarin Chinese is one of the most difficult [...]

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Published on:
May 15, 2018

by: Guest

Published on:
March 28, 2018

by: Guest

Published on:
February 23, 2018

by: Tom

Guest Post: Winter Course Teaching, a Hotpot Date, and the Staff Party!

Here’s the latest instalment from Francesca in Fuzhou, who this week reflects upon her winter course, staff party, and some delicious hotpot! Winter Course teaching, and some seriously hard work…   In ESL schools around China, there is a common practise of running extra courses for a short period of time, several times throughout the year. […]

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