Mark Shaw

University of Essex

My most memorable experience in China was seeing the children’s faces when they opened the presents that I bought them. The day before I taught them about Christmas in the UK, so I bought them all Christmas presents, wrapped them up in proper wrapping paper and put name tags on them. It was an activity allowing them to see what Christmas feels like. I put all the presents in the classroom late at night, so that they saw them first thing in the morning before I arrived in the classroom. The joy on their faces was the highlight of the trip for me.

The teaching was my favourite part of the trip. I joined in with all the children’s games in the classroom, including playing cards with them at break times. I also enjoyed the cultural visit to Guilin!

I am convinced that everyone on the trip enjoyed the experience and that the Chinese teachers and the headmaster were very pleased with our performance. We were treated very, very well by all the Chinese people out there and given great respect by all the students on the camp.

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Mark Shaw

University of Essex Read more ›

Laurence Tennant

University of Cambridge Read more ›